But at least she’s in her bed! She’s completely refused all naps in her bed so far this week. So this is a major win! I’m talking champagne, the I proper stuff… or at least a really large glass of whatever is open in the fridge.
Now bedtime is the stuff nightmares are made from! Bedtime used to be a pleasant routine, now it’s a panic-inducing labour. I’m pretty sure my blood pressure is through the roof, climbing from approximately 18:00, in anticipation of the dreaded sleep attempts! Last night was an early 22:00ish before she was down. The night before, midnight. And over the weekend, one night her refusals were so adamant that I got a sum total of zero hours sleep. By midnight it was clear the only way she’d sleep was in my arms. So Bug and I got the big bed. She slept, I hot-eyed with lack of sleep, watched hours of Downtown Abbey! Every now and again she would wake. And I would break yet another rule from the book I’d probably added to the pile of must-reads.
We’ve seriously considered whether we could get the dog to pull his weight a bit more and add him to the bedtime rota?
And all this is the joy of the four month sleep regression. What a delight. A real champ! Something for all new parents to look forward to. And a real reason to make sure your wine fridge is well stocked! Maybe include a screw-cap or two, for when you’re too tired. Or if you’ve reached my level, it will just be a comfort to know all that wine is there, waiting for you, for when this phase passes (fingers crossed).
Lucky x
Hang in there legend xx Sebastian (#2) went for 10 months with no sleep before we found the baby whisperer (not her real name, I called her a witch doctor, also not her real name), but she had him sleeping in 3 days đŸ¤¯. Check out babysleepstar on Facebook.