Today is more autumn than spring. Different layers of grey clouds give depth to the scene. While cajoled into life, the loose leaves scatter in the wind. About twice a day the white paint tries it's hardest to reflect any rays - I fool myself into thinking I need my sunglasses, but the minute I slip them on, the heaviest of the grey clouds fall to the fore and sprinkle my straightened hair with frizzy little drops of annoying.
When Bug was born, well a month or so after, I bought some cards to mark her milestones. Who knew that I should have bought them when I was preggo? So we missed a few photos… But now I find myself attempting to dressing her up for her milestones, only for her to accessorise them with accoutrements such as vomit! Then I jump around, cajoling her into smiling, while hopefully the camera is in focus and I actually press the snap button. Those photos are all well and good. But I want some real-life photos and babies aren’t renown for their on-cue performances! So how do you actually get that photo of her first tooth?!? That’s one of the current milestones we’re trying to mark. And she’s not particularly given to opening her mouth wide, unless it’s to cry loudly! I may not be parent of the year, but I’m not about to start taking photos of her mouth while she cries! So, it’ll just have to wait until she smiles for a prolonged period, while I conveniently have the camera to hand! C...
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