If I talk about Sambuca, the first thing that comes to mind is a little visit to Borruso’s (then I’m distracted briefly by the awesome Borruso’s Special pizza – a moment...) Shots in wine glasses, swirling, lighting and the hilariality (new word) of the new shape your breast / tummy / bum becomes, varying on your choice of Samboobca / Samtumca / Sambumca.
Truth be told I’ve never done one myself, but on others they look great.
This last weekend also involved Sambuca. Specifically Friday night, 5 or 6 girls, a lot of juicy conversation, nominations and beer pong with life-jackets. There was even a drive-by; perhaps I should explain: we were in Betty’s Bay and felt the need to head out and check out the local night-life at King Arthur’s genuine replica – built using almost the same bricks, and definitely the same style – Camelot.
The Sambuca was a gift, given with the understanding that the bottle would be finished over the weekend. We smashed it on the Friday – it was awesome! The next day the last one to say ‘nix’ had to do all the talking to the new people who arrived, it was 13:00ish, we were having breakfast.
By this stage you might be wondering what the ‘sunset’ part of the heading is about? Well there were two awesome sunsets that I saw, it makes the heading a little more romantic – less alcoholic and has a nice little ring to it!
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