After spending around 2 hours getting bank accounts we decided to get a little fresh air and fun. First though we went to Primark - WOW! Don't know if I'd want to go there on the weekend - and that's saying something!
Anyway, we walked down Park Lane, oogling the Aston Martins and other beautiful vehicles conveniently parked throughout the area so that we could enjoy them!
View of the park from where we had a drink.
One of the lovely old buildings in Kensington.
Walking through the gates one of the first things we saw was this field filled with flowers (not sure what they are - Mom, any clues?)
The route we took (well part of it)
Can you spot what doesn't belong?
Just a little bit of picturesque.
Although not very visible, that squirel was also playing the game - with its nut! In the back ground some tulips.
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